Raymond Jeanloz

Raymond Jeanloz and his group study the nature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures. Much of their work is based on experiments with laser-heated diamond-anvil cells, and they also pursue shock-wave experiments and quantum mechanical calculations of material properties.
[*indicates contributions in policy]
Lee, K. K. M., Benedetti, L. R., Jeanloz, R., Celliers, P. M., Eggert, J. H., Hicks, D. G., Moon, S. J., Mackinnon, A., Da Silva, L. B., Bradley, D. K., Unites, W., Collins, G. W., Henry, E., Koenig, M., Benuzzi-Mounaix, A., Paley, J., and Neely, D., 2006, Laser-driven shock experiments on pre-compressed water: Implications for “icy” giant planets, J.Chem. Phys., 125, 014701.
*May, M., Davis, J., and Jeanloz, R., 2006, Preparing for the worst, Nature, 443, 907-908.
Verma, A. K., Modak, P., Rao, R. S., Godwal, B. K., and Jeanloz, R., 2007, High-pressure phases of titanium: First-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 014109.
Rozenberg, G. Kh., Amiel, Y., Pasternak, M. P., Jeanloz, R., Hanfland, M., and Taylor, R. D., 2007, Structural characterization of temperature- and pressure-induced inverse–normal spinel transformation in magnetite, Phys. Rev. B, 75,020102(R).
Jeanloz, R., Celliers, P. M., Collins, G. W., Eggert, J. H., Lee, K. K. M., McWilliams, R. S., Brygoo, S., and Loubeyre, P., 2007, Achieving high-density states through shock-wave loading of pre-compressed samples, Proc.National Acad. Sci. (US), 104, 9116-9124.
Speziale, S., Lee,V. E., Clark, S. M., Lin, J. F., Pasternak, M. P., and Jeanloz, R., 2007, Effects of Fe spin transition on the elasticity of (Mg,Fe)O magnesiowüstites and implications for the seismological properties of the Earth’s lower mantle, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B10212,doi:10.1029/2006JB004730.
Stixrude, L., and Jeanloz, R., 2007, Constraints from mineral physics on seismological models, in: Treatise of Geophysics, v. 1, Ch. 22, 775-803.
Montgomery, W., Crowhurst, J. C., Zaug, J. M., and Jeanloz, R., 2008, The chemistry of cyanuric acid (H3C3N3O3) under high pressure and high temperature, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 2644-2648.
Eggert, J., Brygoo, S., Loubeyre, P., McWilliams, R. S., Celliers, P. M., Hicks, D., Boehly, T. R., Jeanloz, R., and Collins, G. W., 2008, Hugoniot data for heliumin the ionization regime, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 124503.
Speziale, S., Jeanloz, R., Clark, S. M., Meenakshi, S., Vijayakumar, V., Verma, A. K., Rao, R. S., and Godwal, B. K., 2008, Axial ratio anomalies and electronic topological transitions in Cd0.80Hg0.20 at high pressures, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 69, 2325-2331.
Stixrude, L., and Jeanloz, R., 2008, Fluid helium at conditions of giant planetary interiors, Proc. National Acad. Sci. (US), 105, 11071-11075.
Hicks, D. G., Boehly, T. R., Celliers, P. M., Bradley, D. K., Eggert, J. H., McWilliams, R. S., Jeanloz, R., and Collins, G. W., 2008, High precision measurements of the diamond Hugoniot in and above the melt region, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 174102.
*Jeanloz, R., 2008, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and U.S. Security, in Reykjavik Revisited, Steps Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons (G. P. Shultz, S. D. Drell and J. E. Goodby, eds.), Hoover Press, Stanford, CA, pp. 369-398.
Godwal, B. K., Verma, A. K., and Jeanloz, R., 2009, Molecular dynamics studies on materials under laser shocks,Phase Transitions, 82, 167-190.
Jeanloz, R., 2009, Planets under pressure, Physics World, 22, 34-37.
Godwal, B. K., Petruska, E. A., Speziale, S., Yan, J., Clark, S. M., Kruger, M. B., and Jeanloz, R., 2009, High-pressure Raman and x-ray diffraction studies on LaB6, Phys. Rev. B., 80, 172104.
Gleason, A. E., Chen, B., and Jeanloz, R., 2009, Grain boundary effects in Brillouin scattering at ambient and high pressures, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2009GL040420.
Eggert, J. H., Hicks, D. G., Celliers, P. M., Bradley, D. K., McWilliams, R. S., Jeanloz, R., Miller, J. E., Boehly, T. R., and Collins, G. W., 2010, Melting temperature of diamond at ultra-high pressure, Nature Physics, 6, 40-43.
McWilliams, R. S., Eggert, J. H., Hicks, D. G., Bradley, D. K., Celliers, P. M., Spaulding, D. K., Boehly, T. R., Collins, G. W., and Jeanloz, R., 2010, Strength effects in diamond under shock compression from 0.1 to 1 TPa,Phys. Rev. B., 81, 014111.
Xu, W. M., Rozenberg, G. K., Pasternak, M. P., Kurnosov, A., Dubrovinsky, L. S., Pascarelli, S., Munoz, M., Vaccari, M.,Hanfland, M., and Jeanloz, R., 2010, Pressure-induced Fe « Cu cationicvalence exchange and its structural consequences: High-pressure studies of delafossite CuFeO2, Phys. Rev.B, 81, 104110.
Chen, B., Gleason, A. E., Yan, J. Y., Koski, K. J., Clark, S. M., and Jeanloz, R., 2010, Elasticity, strength and refractive index of argon at high pressures, Phys. Rev. B., 81, 144110.
Celliers, P. M., Loubeyre, P., Eggert, J.H., Brygoo, S., McWilliams, R. S., Hicks, D. G., Boehly, T. R., Jeanloz, R., and Collins, G. W., 2010, The insulator to conducting transition in dense fluid helium, Phys. Rev. Lett., 104,184503.
*Smith, H. P., and Jeanloz, R., 2010, Britain leads the way to global zero, Arms Control Today, 40, 15-18.
Gleason, A. E., Marquardt, H., Chen, B., Speziale, S., Wu, J., and Jeanloz, R., 2011, Anomalous sound velocities in MgO under non-hydrostatic compression, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, 10.1029/2010GL045860.
Marquardt, H., Gleason, A., Marquardt, K., Speziale, S., Miyagi, L., Neusser, G., Wenk, H. R., and Jeanloz, R., 2011, Elastic properties of MgO nanocrystals and grain boundaries at high pressures by Brillouin scattering, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 064131.
Arielly, R., Xu, W. M., Greenberg, E., Rozenberg, G. Kh., Pasternak, M. P., Garbarino, G., Clark, S., and Jeanloz, R., 2011, Intriguing sequence of GaFeO3 structures and electronic states to 70 GPa, Phys. Rev. B,84, 094109.
*Drell, S. D., and Jeanloz, R., 2011, Nuclear deterrence in a world without nuclear weapons, in Deterrence, Its Past and Future (G. P. Shultz, S. D. Drell and J.E. Goodby, eds.), Hoover Press, Stanford, CA, pp. 99-129.
Spaulding, D. K., McWilliams, R. S., Jeanloz, R., Eggert, J. H., Celliers, P. M., Hicks, D. G., Collins, G. W., and Smith, R. F., 2012, Evidence for a phase transition in silicate melt at extreme pressure and temperature conditions, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 065701.
Millot, M., Geballe, Z. M., Yu, K. M., Walukiewicz, W., and Jeanloz, R., 2012, Red-green luminescence in indium gallium nitride alloys investigated by high pressure spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 162103.
*Jeanloz, R., 2012, Long-range effects of nuclear disasters, in The Nuclear Enterprise (G. P. Shultz, S. D. Drell and J. E. Goodby, eds.), Hoover Press, Stanford, CA, pp. 107-126.
Geballe, Z., and Jeanloz, R., 2012, Origin of temperature plateaus in laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments, J. Appl. Phys., 111, 123518.
Loubeyre, P., Brygoo, S., Eggert, J., Celliers, P. M., Spaulding, D. K., Rygg, J. R., Boehly, T. R., Collins, G. W., and Jeanloz, R., 2012, Extended data set for the equation of state of warm dense hydrogen isotopes, Phys. Rev. B, 86, 144115.
McWilliams, R. S., Spaulding, D. K., Eggert, J. H., Celliers, P. M., Hicks, D. G., Smith, R. F., Collins, G. W., and Jeanloz, R., 2012, Phase transformations and metallization of magnesium oxide at high pressure and temperature, Science, 338, 1330-1333.
*Jeanloz, R., Fung, I., Bowyer, T. W., and Wofsy, S. C., 2013, Beyond arms-control monitoring, Science, 339, 761-762.
Godwal, B. K., Stackhouse, S., Yan, J., Speziale, S., Militzer, B., and Jeanloz, R., 2013, Codetermination of crystal structures at high pressure: Combined application of theory and experiment to the intermetallic compound AuGa2, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 100101.
Wang, J., Smith, R. F., Eggert, J. H., Braun, D. G., Boehly, T. R., Patterson, J. R., Celliers, P. M., Jeanloz, R., Collins, G. W. Duffy, T. S., 2013, Ramp compression of iron to 273 GPa, J. Appl. Phys., 114, 023513.
Geballe, Z. M., Raju, S. V., Godwal, B. K., and Jeanloz, R., 2013, Clapeyron slope reversal in the melting curve of AuGa2 at 5.5 GPa, J. Phys.-Condensed Matter, 25, 415401.
Jeanloz, R., and Stone, H. A., 2014, JASON review of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Proc. 39thWorkshop Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, CA, SGP-TR-202.
Geballe, Z. M., and Jeanloz, R., 2014, Solid phases of FeSi to 47 GPa and 2800 K: New data, Am. Mineral., 99, 720-723.
Smith, R. F., Eggert, J. H., Jeanloz, R., Duffy, T. S., Braun, D. G., Patterson, J. R., Rudd, R. E., Biener, J., Lazicki, A. E., Hamza, A. V., Wang, J., Braun, T., Benedict, L. X., Celliers, P. M., and Collins, G. W., 2014, Ramp compression of diamond to 5 TPa: Experiments taking carbon to the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac regime, Nature, 511, 330-333.