Philip S. Marcus

Specialty areas
Algorithms, atmospheric flows, convection, fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, numerical analysis, ocean flows, turbulence..
“High S/N Keck and Gemini AO imaging of Uranus during 2012–2014: New cloud patterns, increasing activity, and improved wind measurements”, LA Sromovsky, I de Pater, PM Fry, HB Hammel, P Marcus, June 2015, Icarus, vol. 258 pp. 192–223, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.05.029. — PDF
“Dramatic Change in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot”, AA Simon, MH Wong, JH Rogers, GS Orton, I de Pater, X Asay-Davis, RW Carlson, PS Marcus, March 2015, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, vol. 46 pp. 1010. — PDF
To view a complete list of Professor Marcus’ publications from previous years, please visit the Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory website.